The past year has been a great moment for Moscow Nights, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.
We opened our 20th anniversary year with a very exciting project titled, “24 Hours in the Life of Pontius Pilate,” based on extracts from Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita. Our performances were hosted by Dillard University’s Samuel Dubois Cook Fine Arts Center Theatre during the last two weekends of January, 2019.
Once again this year Moscow Nights will be participating in the annual GiveNOLA 2019 event here in New Orleans! On Tuesday, May 7th, thousands of residents in the Greater New Orleans area and friends elsewhere are going to show their support for their favorite non-profit organizations during GiveNOLA Day, hosted by the Greater New Orleans Foundation. For the previous four years of GiveNOLA, you have helped us meet our set goals. And we hope this year will be no different.
2019 Goal: $6,000 to Support an Exciting New Theatrical Project
Moscow Nights Presents
A Tribute To Anna Akhmatova
(1889 – 1966)
Our immediate future project consists of two parts:
- First, our Artistic Director Natasha O. Ramer will create a theatrical presentation of Anna Akhmatova’s life and poetry here one-woman presentation “Anna Akhmatova: Her Life, Her Works and Her Global Legacy”. Anna Akhmatova was a Russian poet who lived a remarkable life (1889-1966) that stretched from the late Imperial period of Russian history through the Russian Revolution of 1917, the Civil War, Stalin’s regime, World War II, and even the “thaw” that ensued following Stalin’s death.
- Second, our close friend and fellow graduate of the State Institute for the Performing Arts in Moscow Mira Erceg-Hawemann will come to New Orleans to direct the world premier her theatrical play, “The Last Love of Anna Akhmatova ~ or ~ How The Cold War Began”. In 1946, Akhmatova met with Russian-born philosopher/historian Isaiah Berlin. The meeting enraged Stalin who denounced Akhmatova for years.
For two years now, we have enjoyed a collaborative relationship with ArtSpot Productions here in New Orleans, and we are very happy that this collaboration will continue in our Akhmatova program.

Please Consider Supporting Us During GiveNOLA 2019
Make a tax-deductible donation from $25.00 and above.
If you donate to us through our link to our community’s online resource that connects donors with non-profit organizations like us.
We ask your support through GiveNOLA for an exciting new theatrical project entitled:
- Mark Tuesday, May 7th GiveNOLA Day on your calendar and support Moscow Nights Inc.!
- Help us spread the word! Use the sharing buttons on the bottom of this page or tell your friends about GiveNOLA Day by directing them to, sharing with them that you have participated and why they should consider doing so.
- Invite your friends to explore Moscow Nights on GiveNOLA to learn more about our work and GiveNOLA Day.
- If you cannot contribute on GiveNOLA Day 2019, please feel free to give to us at your leisure on Moscow Nights’ Contributions Center at: